H2H partner acrobatics course
Returning to our circus roots, Coaches Amanda and Teddy have crafted a foundational partner acrobatics program that we are excited to share with you all.
Learn techniques over 4 weeks to build strength, coordination & awareness in your body & with your partner. We teach you progressions to get you safely & confidently towards standing partner acrobatic skills!
This course is designed for pairs with some prior acro experience, but new students with gymnastics background are welcome as well.
Students will need to work in the same pairs for the entire duration of the course. Please contact us if you are a solo student interested to join so we can make efforts to find you a partner.
About the Course
Payment Options
Book Via MindBody
Sign up for your H2H Partner Acrobatics Course through the link below! New students will need to create an account on our MindBody system (Each student will require their own account) Payment can be done directly via MindBody.
Existing Trybe members can login to their account and select their preferred course below. Please contact us via email or WhatsApp after payment has been made to indicate which day's and month's course you would like to join.
Book Via Bank Transfer
We accept bank transfer direct at:
Hang Seng Bank
Trybe Limited
After paying please retain a copy of your receipt and send it to us at move@trybehk.com
Please include the workshop date you would like to attend and your full name.